Planning your travel and holiday with COVID-19 precautions for guests-TOBS
We know that you had planned your travel and holiday after a long gap, hence we want to make your stay safe, easy and hassle-free. We have created a small list of things for you to consider before you arrive, while you are at the property and before you leave the property.
Please visit www.gov.uk/coronavirus to review the latest government information regarding Covid-19. If you or any of your party develop or have any symptoms of Covid-19 within 14 days of your holiday or receive a track and trace alert you must inform us straight away or at least 48 hours before you go. Please also inform us if this occurs within the last 48 hours before departing for your holiday. You will need to check your travel insurance regarding their cancellation guidelines.
Your Travel Essentials
On top of your standard holiday items, you would need additional items to keep yourself safe from the Covid-19 infection.
Face masks - These are at the moment mandatory on Public transport, shops and local attractions. Please visit the Norwich website for date updateshttps://www.norwich.gov.uk/info/20399/coronavirus_covid-19_latest_information_and_advice/3742/covid-19_advice_for_visitors_and_tourists
Disposable gloves - Would be needed if travelling by car and if stopped at a petrol station or while charging electric vehicles
Hand sanitiser/hand wash / Disinfectant Wipes - Needed while travelling and after accessing public places
Essential Medication - Paracetamol and a thermometer.
Bin bags - Though the accommodation will leave you bin bags. Best to have private ones to avoid access to common bins.
Before You Check-In
Due to the additional time needed for cleaning please check your check-in and check-out times at the property website or if you have any questions, please send us an email at
Since we have a contract less check-in please follow the check-in email or message with information on Key codes and Key safe operation.
At the Property
If you or any of your party become ill or display any symptoms of Covid-19 or receive a track and trace alert while you are at the property, you should call us straight away.
Hand Sanitiser at the entrance lobby
On entry, please sanitise your hands with the Sanitiser at the lobby
Waste and bins
Ensure all rubbish and waste is disposed of properly in secured bags and left in the location as mentioned in the property signs.
Returning to the property after a day out
Every time you come back to the property, please wash your hands with soap if you are not comfortable using the hand sanitiser.
You are not permitted to invite additional guests back to the property.
Before You Check-Out
Please remove all the leftover food and leave them in the bins provided in your room.
Please ensure all dishes are washed and put away. If possible, put the dishwasher (where appropriate) on the night before and empty it.
On the day of departure, please take all linen from the beds - including sheets, pillowcases, duvet covers and mattress protectors. Please leave all linen and towels in the laundry bin or bag if provided or in a pile in the bathroom.
Since we have a contract less departure, please follow the checkout email or message to leave the keys in the advised location.